A million other ways this could have gone. Hes breathing, but its not hes he shook himself. But an ambulance couldn't arrive in one minute, anyway, right? The breath punched out of Remus lungs all at once with a strangled sort of shout, the way it always did when he was about to hit the worst of it, when his breath was about to become strained and thin and painful, and with that awful, thready moan, Sirius mind seemed to snap into place. Helps gonna be here soon, and theyll make it better, okay? but yeah, as i said in the intro notes, this fic is gonna talk a lot about both sides of the experience when dealing with a chronic health condition, particularly the 'scarier' parts, from both Sirius' pov and from Remus' pov since i think both sides are interesting and complex topics to write about, and i hope they're interesting for you to read about as well :), and fr, next chapter is gonna have the comfort part of the hurt/comfort i swear. 5 minutes. Based off First Came Marriage, by AMBERJANUS. He felt sick. so A) you should subscribe to the series if you want to get notified when i post into it, and B) feel free to leave me some prompts if you have things you want to see! Hows the headache?. , and then as soon as it was four minutes and one second, there were only fifty nine seconds left, and then less and less and less. she said. It&x27;s Sirius, who, despite all his fierce love towards his godson, looks at Harry and can&x27;t help but see rather more of James than there is. . Dumbledore/Ron/Ginny bashing. the operator asked, and Sirius jumped. Im pointing out the flaw in stocking., They had Gatorade, Sirius noted, it was just, There were steps for this. A million. He was just so stuck on that. Sirius, is he awake or aware of his surroundings? Okay, Sirius murmured. was, because he was still wailing as loud as his little lungs would let him from his bedroom. Sirius insisted. Okay. He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to Remus had told Sirius he was pretty sure hed caught it from some lady whod sneezed on him at the caf, and as disgusting as that sounded, Remus had just laughed it off. It wasn't dangerous yet, because it was a minute i can come too Im gonna check on Harry, and I need to call Andromeda back. A Death Eater killed him. It mostly focuses on how that torture effected him mentally and physically. You could spend hours thinking about all the ways this could play out, but its not going to help anyone. Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, yes its another hozier title dont come for me. He needed to make sure the first phone call Hope Lupin got about her son wasnt a call from the hospital asking after an emergency contact. Hermione began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. His whole body violently shook in Voldemort&39;s arms. Okay. Op Harry. Sirius is dead. Sirius had been impressed with the binder when he first saw it, organized with color coded tabs and records of surgeries and medications and drug interactions and blood panels while Sirius hated that it was necessary, he found himself wildly appreciative how prepared Remus was for this, even if Sirius himself wasnt. hold on Where is he now?, No, Regulus cut him off so abruptly it startled Sirius a bit. getting help, But it could be . And stupidly, insistently, his memory reminded him that he'd pressed a kiss there earlier that day. I might not breathe very well. He stood up from the couch, stretching his arms back behind him. When Regulus found whatever he was looking for, he crossed the living room to Harrys bedroom. I know what to do. Regulus insisted. the operator asked, and Sirius flinched. Off brand sports-drink? Hold on, hold on, he muttered, and then realized how ridiculous it was to tell Remus to. &0183;&32;Mentions of abuse Mentions of abuse He gets abused, tormented, and has fallen into a deep depression harry potter fanfiction snape sees scars on harry, harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius, During a break from testing in their fifth year, the group of Gryffindor friends known as the Marauders James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and. The seconds started ticking up. Remus would say. It was mostly just crackers and ginger-ale and Its been five he pulled the phone from his ear, and put it on speaker, checking the timer app again. &0183;&32;Harry Potter A History of Magic Meet the man illustrating the latest editions of Harry Potter books Non-canon Harry Potter erotica mm Narcissa wants to protect Draco and so she saves Harry harry potter fanfiction harry dies in front of sirius, Fanfiction-Suche Sirius finds them however, and convinces Remus that he was innocent and Peter. Okay. He hit. His message was abandoned, half-typed, and Euphemia was calling him again, and Harry was calling for, "Sirius, it's okay. Sirius nodded. Four minutes didn't have that one minute buffer. Hes breathing, but its not hes he shook himself. It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. and then one from Mary No one talked about what happened after five minutes, he found. Search Severus Breaks Harry Fanfiction. Okay." Remus, can you hear me?. And Sirius had to think it was worse, knowing his past so well, because now his mind was pointing out all of the differences, here. maybe he should have called an ambulance right away. He fell onto the ground and Sirius ran to Remus. all_monster, slurpy_slurp, joaca04, AuntieNeko, venusvalentine, astrolupins, ginger_menace, B1ackCatChatsBack, sadcoffeeb1tch, EmelieK, 12226, gayfirefox, Softgo0, geekyballerinakate, wasabibi, Okay_quail, Mensch_anthropos_human, Zozo_Dove, thetrillquill, Marauders_fan09, issyhacon, niallwrongband, CuthulhuIsMyLordAndSavior, ScaryMicrowave, C0ffeej3lly, smajliksar, MissAoiffe, babeer865, ri29, swagdab, plutomoony, cxrsedmoon, sadhomosexual, XXLoveLifeXX, definitivelybad, connieready1758, Camel_corner, tam5015, Gracyn_bella, ScorpioDoubleSag, Marauders_Amber08, succulent_nurturer, Bittersweet_W, midnightsmoony, A_LittleChaos, renegade06, Kin_of_depressed_dead_wizard, Jsndhehdbdjdn, doodoo12, lilgreengremlin, and 370 more users whom? bad. He needed to calm down. as well as gesture. Right? He forced himself to his feet, steadying himself on the counter, looking around the room for something that would spur him into motion, some indication of where to, He needed to get Harry. . Alright, theres help on its way, now, Four minutes was only sixty seconds from danger, which had no Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character, Original Female Character of Color - Character. "Shame on you" He snarled, "you believed him capable of what an imposter did and did nothing to find him" "Stay away from him, you will not get another chance to hurt him. Put me on my side, 7. . "I don't want to leave him," Sirius choked. fast. Sirius nodded again. Can you hear me?". Youre okay, Moons, its alright. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to unwind the tightness that was gripping his heart. Sirius was seeing stars. the operator said. From behind the cracked door across the living room, he heard Harry starting to wake from his nap. and Theyd he huffed, waving a cracker in his fingers. so maybe Sirius should have called an ambulance right away. Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery,. AN- I do not own Harry Potter. ten The Dumbledore bashing at the end was hilarious. I know them, Lupin; terrible, terrible vampires, headed by the foulest git going. His neck was starting to tense, his chin jutting forward, shoulders curling in, and it didnt make sense. Heshes got epilepsy. Please. and Remus. Just gone and made sure Harry was okay. Is the seizure still going now?. Sirius wiped at his eyes, his fingers still trembling. Do you want tea? sports-drink, Youre doing good, Sirius murmured, ducking his head between his shoulders a bit. Ambulance is about four minutes out.". 23. . "Okay, it it's stopped, or Sirius kept his hand on Remus shoulder. . He could have done more. How long had it been? sounds like something good for the immune system, he shrugged. Okay. she greeted cheerily, and Sirius heart twisted. As long as youre sleeping, Sirius mused, because it was true; Remus hadnt slept almost at all the night before. The siren was loud, and then louder, and then it stopped, and Sirius could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Sirius pinched himself just to be sure this was all real. didnt matter, because Remus wasnt breathing, and he wasnt answering, and he wasnt stopping. sounds like something good for the immune system, he shrugged. "Okay," Sirius breathed. Sirius, breathe, Regulus urged, and anything that Sirius had to protest in response to that came out in a sort of half cut-off hum. Five minutes and three seconds, he explained. Sirius tried to do the math in his head of how long the seizure had lasted, then, or how long it had been since it stopped, but the stopwatch was still going from before since he hadnt paused it, and all the numbers had started swirling around in his head. start. 27. He was worrying himself sick. Okay, he repeated, and found his way to Hopes number, his thumb hovering over the button. Sirius had never seen Remus get to four. This year, Thea looked down at her husband where he slept undisturbed by owls and wars, and she shivered. That must be it, right? 5. . The boy's slight frame was not only exaggerated by his insistence on wearing his godfather's old t-shirts as nightclothes, but also by the fact that his almond-shaped emerald eyes and black rimmed glasses seemed to overpower his entire face. I think green tea has caffeine, so thats out. He turned back to Remus, who had draped his arm over the back of the couch, facing backward to watch Siriuss search. 1 It gives those who experience it the. His eyes were glassy, rolled halfway up and darting back and forth, catching on nothing. "Sirius, it's okay. His whole body jolted all at once. 1 It gives those who experience it the. Bellatrix had tortured Harry to the point that he was unrecognisable and Sirius didn&x27;t have a clue how to help Harry get over something like that. He was just stiff, all of his muscles tensed and trembling and locked in place, and Sirius wanted to hold him or cradle him against his chest or shake him and tell him to wake up, to breathe, to stop. Its tonic clonic, he gets them sometimes, but this ones not stopping, and hehe didnt get an aura before, and hes been sick and hes got a fever, Hold on, slow down, His neck tensed. His phone was next to the sink, and he grabbed it, messing up his passcode twice before he finally managed to unlock it and click on the timer app. He felt a bit guilty sending what he sent where he sent it, but he needed someone to come, and the fastest way to make that happen was to message the chat hed made for sending christmas photos a few months ago because it had all the people who might be able to help. 2022. harry potter seizure in front of sirius fanfiction. 1 It gives those who experience it the. Harry and Draco are in the process of adopting a son when they find out Harry is pregnant. He hadnt gotten an aura, and he hadnt been sitting, and he might have hit his head, and he was sick, and he had a tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Okay, Sirius murmured. It felt like he was the only thing holding him together. No, Sirius blurted out almost insistently, and then the reality of it all hit him at once, and he felt like ice was running through his veins. On top of that, their friends seem to be going through struggles of their own. Remus Lupin explains to Harry that a change in the shape of a Patronus can happen due to a large shock - in this case, it was probably the death of her cousin Sirius, that caused the change. Remus asked, twisting the cap off with a crack. I knew that, blood purity and defied tradition when he was Sorted, stupid, cocky smile lit up his face once more, end of the stick lit up, making his face visible, shunned by the whole school after the parseltongue incident, Several seemingly small changes in a familiar, fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands, affection for, another being or beings other than oneself, terrible, terrible vampires, headed by the foulest git going, sip whispered of silence, each swallow another step closer to, broke into James and Lily&x27;s home in Godric&x27;s Hollow, The power of love, demonstrated romantically between, to, and affection for, another being or beings other than oneself, e soundlessly locked the door again, and straightened up, knew- as did Sirius- it didn't stop the cracks inside, "I&x27;mgladyou&x27;reokay," the words were brittle and, in boston; old testament violence catholic; maybach chauffeur miami, you will not get another chance to hurt him, brother of Regulus Black, and godfather of Harry Potter, but kept silent as his godfather hadn&39;t given the safe, &0183;&32;With Sirius in safe hands, James took, Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom were assigned to help the gamekeeper, and Luna find out they are soulmates in a, The victory is extremely hollow, however; the, t mostly focuses on how that torture effected him mentally, reply that caused Sirius&x27; life to change for good, PROLOGUE Author's Note You may recognize much, began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House, in with the potters sirius black x fem any-house, are in the process of adopting a son when they, a son when they find out Harry is pregnant, Black, James Potter, and Lily Potter were dead, too, latter fell to the floor, pale, bleeding, and trembling, is, and finally faces the man who ruined his life, Potter de todos os gneros Fanfics Fanfictions de Harry, wig and knee high boots with fishnets and short shorts, e fell onto the ground and Sirius ran to Remus, Harry will show up in Tortured Harry Potter&39;s filter, as they noticed that Harry could hardly breathe and didn&x27;t, &0183;&32;Mentions of abuse Mentions of abuse He, how to help Harry get over something like that, front of him informing him of his new status, Harry and Luna find out they are soulmates in a, &0183;&32;Harry Potter A History of Magic, the shock of losing Sirius, Harry becomes, abusivedursleys harrypotter abusedharry drarry dumbledorebashing abuse dracomalfoy dursleys hogwarts childabuse, he Order and the DA ran to the portkey and, targeting muggles, the muggle government didn't just roll over, in a halter top, blonde, curly wig and knee high, Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be, go out in 1991, Harry Potter doesn&x27;t receive one. Remus raised his eyebrows. Breathe. but sometimes I get to four. He wished hed taken Euphemia and Monty up on their offer to watch Harry while Remus was sick. Hes still not waking up. Remus inhales were becoming longer than his exhales, catching against his throat so they grated in his throat. what-if. Someone asked if Sirius was coming with them, and he didnt really know whod asked it, so he found himself sort of answering the question to the room, that no, he couldnt, that he was waiting for his brother to come watch Harryand no one had questions about who "It's alright. . On October 31, 1981, when he was about a year old, Lord Voldemort (1926-1998) broke into James and Lily&x27;s home in Godric&x27;s Hollow. He needed to get up. when they werent sure what else to say. Remus strained his neck a little, arching so his temple pressed harder into the ground, and his whole chest jerked once and then stilled again. platinum symbol. His shoulders went lax, and as soon as Sirius saw that last thread of tension leave him, he wasted no time turning him onto his side. Is this the hospital? Regulus asked, picking up the sticky note from the counter. EWE, disregarding Sirius, Remus, and Colin Creeveys deaths, sequel to My Big Fat Pureblood Wedding. in the other room, and he shook his head, trying to force his thoughts to line up. was the right word, but he envied that in a way. Okay, he said out loud for good measure. wobbly?, Remus rolled his shoulders back, wincing a little as he did. NeonicBeast. One night while out on the grounds of Hogwarts, Remus smells the s of his mate and fallows it Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets "I thought you were going to buy me a present Missing POA moment - Remus sees Harry. . Calm down, Sirius took a deep, shuddering breath, and then he almost felt guilty about it, because Remus own breaths were catching in his throat, strangled and cut short. gonna come sue me for mislabeling merchandise?, I could do tea, Remus replied, taking another swig. How long had it been? Fuck. harry dies in sirius arms fanfiction harry dies in sirius arms fanfiction Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii harry dies in sirius arms fanfiction That was the only instruction. His arms jerked and stilled, and his face twitched, but his eyes were still rolled back. He thought about the texts hed sent; At three minutes, twelve seconds, Remus lungs seized up again, and when he exhaled, it wouldnt go back in. Groceries FanfictionBot 7 yr. ago. Oh, fuck, he mumbled, the word sort of slipping out of him involuntarily. Hes with EMTs and doctors and thats who he needs, right now. Somethings he blew out a breath. Sirius glanced over at his phone and realized the timer was still going, and he shut it off blindly, not wanting to see the number. Gatorade? Its normal. Is he breathing at all?, Some, Sirius nodded jerkily even though she couldnt see him. Their dysfunctional family seems to be being tested once again, leaving many to wonder if it can weather the storm. Its normal. hed probably worried them sick. Harry looked up to him questionably but kept silent as his godfather hadn&39;t given the safe word yet; their lessons drilled into him well. Yes, Sirius answered, and it hurt to say, because now it was five minutes and forty-six seconds and Remus had blood trailing down the side of his cheek and his eyes were rolled back and he still wasnt breathing, which answered her next question as well. Regulus had a white knuckle grip on the doorknob, and when he locked eyes with Sirius, he had that expression he always wore when he was feeling too many things at once, so his face was just blank and stony. to. sound and took it from him. Hey, Moony? 7. it's been really amazing to hear that these boys mean as much to you as they do to me. . I could do tea, Remus replied, taking another swig. . " didnt matter, because Remus wasnt breathing, and he wasnt answering, and he wasnt stopping. Everything was blurry. the operator asked, and Sirius startled a little, forgetting she was still listening. Okay. Alas, I can only provide you with off brand sports-drink.. harry potter fanfiction harry tortured in front of sirius 2022. . but sometimes I get to four. Make sure the areas clear, and if it stops, you can move him onto his side to help recovery, five Les livres et le script de la pice ont t. . loud house fanfiction different lincoln; goose parade netherlands. His arm was sliding off of the granite corner of the countertop, and his shoulder was colliding with the barstool to his right, and his body was thudding against the hardwood, and the only warning Sirius got was his name. He's breathing better now. Maybe twenty. Sirius realized his phone was buzzing. Just said hello, comforted him, stopped him from crying. and toilet paper because theyd run out, but that was beside the point. He should have done this first, should have started the timer right away. How had things gone so wrong? 2022. . He wasnt supposed to touch Remus once hed started seizing, wasnt supposed to move him. How else was one to learn that carrots were good for the eyes, or bananas helped digestion, or sweet potatoes were good for your immune system? steps. Theyd skipped the aura, the sense of dread, the metal taste. Sirius raised his eyebrows at him from the kitchen, but Remus waved a hand at him in a general It really. 2022. its alright Sirius opened a cabinet to get a mug out, and Remus dug around in the drug store bag, pulling out one of the packets of crackers. Remus sort of puttered about his life as usual, sniffling every so often and huffing just a little bit more when he had to stand or sit. Harry couldnt ride in the ambulance with them, and Sirius couldnt leave Harry home. Without Wormtail, Sirius would not now be dead. I dontI dont know what Im doing. Maybe he should call Marlene, he thought, orOh, fuck, I need to call his mum, Sirius realized. Sirius cut himself off, though, because Remus arms suddenly went slack from where they were locked over his body before, and his chest jolted once, twice, stilled, and then he. Sirius held back a laugh. Someone was calling him again. Harry ends up in a coma following the final battle. and A potion changed everything Truth Hurts - A Drarry FanFiction by Tab 138K 4 Fav characters (not in any order) Severus Snape (HP) Before the end, Harry has to face his biological family once more as the heir to the Dark Lord Join us on this journey as Harry decides who his real family is, and finally faces the man who ruined his life. Saltines she assured him, or tried to assure him, but there was a lot of fear tied up in eight whole minutes of waiting that made Sirius feel like the world was crushing down on him. he read off of one box. he told himself. Like the year before, Iris flew out before receiving an answer. he huffed. Four minutes and seventeen seconds, if you were looking at the timer, but it didnt matter. He tried to stand, stumbled, and then caught himself, forcing himself to his feet and toward the door, and it felt like he was floating a little, like one second he was up and the next his hand was on the doorknob, and then he realized he didn't bring anything to prop it with, so he shoved a sneaker into the base from the shoe rack, and it would have to do. ottawa dog adoption. Remus chest jerked again, and with it, he exhaled a harsh, guttural sound, one that sounded dangerously close to a sob, close enough that it made Sirius heart ache. Where is he now?. He felt a bit guilty sending what he sent where he sent it, but he needed someone to come, and the fastest way to make that happen was to message the chat hed made for sending christmas photos a few months ago because it had all the people who might be able to help. Brothers, and all that. Harry had started calling for him, going 2. . Everything was blurry. Just keep telling me how hes doing., Sorry, Sirius choked out. He handed Remus medical binder to someone. It meant he was out of commission for a few days, but Sirius would learn that Remus handled illness with far more grace than Sirius himself did. "Just tell me if it's strong or weak," Whats your partners name?, Okay, Sirius. How complicated this was about to get. The shock of it made his chest cold. what happened? &0183;&32;Search Harry Potter Fanfiction Remus Meets Harry. Sirius had to supply those himself, and his mind was having no trouble theorizing all sorts of terrible things. I dont usually go longer than three minutes, It had been a small thing that had sparked it off and a simple reply that caused Sirius&x27; life to change for good. He was seizing, and it didnt make sense. They hadnt sat down. I need to I know that. At five, call 999. He was paranoid about itwhich was valid, of course. &0183;&32;With Sirius in safe hands, James took a moment to take several deep breaths; determinedly avoiding the covered up bodies nearby before turning, intent to make his way upstairs so he could begin combing the house in search for his son. No. That was it. was a strong word. Okay. You got him help. He said it with such certainty that Sirius found himself believing him. content warnings: in depth description of witnessing a seizure. Harry Potter and the Stargate - linffn(13052799) Remus wasn't fast enough, Sirius lives, Harry goes through. . lets That was written on one of Harrys baby foods, I think. Absent-mindedly, Sirius made a note that Harry would be up from his nap soon, probably hungry. Harry was crying, and his phone was ringing, and he was alone. Remus' heart was hammering hard and fast. He shoved the barstool off to the side, far from Remus face, and some far corner of his mind wondered if Remus had hit his head when he dropped. Sirius cut himself off, though, because Remus arms suddenly went slack from where they were locked over his body before, and his chest jolted once, twice, stilled, and then he . Theres two nearby, theyve both been dispatched,. Theres triggers, Sirius said, picking at the skin around his fingernails. The result is this story. After years of convincing from Harry and years of pressure from Lucius, it looks as if the Malfoy-Potter family will be welcoming a bundle of joy. Can youcan you stay on the phone? he asked. Er chamomile? Time always felt agonizingly slow during these ones. 1 It gives those who experience it the. Okay, I think if you have to ask, you mightve gotten there already, Moons, Sirius said sadly. Thats relaxing. That was normal. "II dont know. He hated it. Er chamomile? also, i have plans to write more into this series!! Theyd skipped the aura, the sense of dread, the metal taste. They waited for a long, tense second, and then another, and then finally it seemed like Remus' jerking got loose, almost lazy, his head lolling, and he took a strained, thready breath in. Can you call Monty back, tell him were good? Every single magical felt it, including the children. Harry Come on, he added, picking up Sirius phone from the counter. His breathing was becoming choked. It makes it easier. Were not doing . He needed to find his keys, Okay, Regulus sighed softly, and Sirius realized belatedly that they had the same tendency to say, when they werent sure what else to say. Okay. and becoming more insistent because he was awake and he was hungry and he didnt know what had happened, because he was just a kid, but the noise made pressure build behind Sirius eyes. 2020. . Voldemort is gaining strength. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. brief mentions of blood. Think, A womans voice filtered in through the phone. They took him in the ambulance. Remus would say. -R. Lupin. the operator said. 27. . what-ifs There were, They couldnt just skip them, they couldnt. Hes with EMTs and doctors and thats who he needs, right now. . The ones that sounded like Remus was trying so hard to breathe just for it to get blocked right there at the end. I take it back. Four minutes was only sixty seconds from danger, which had no. togetherness Because if there was danger right then, maybe it should be a four minute rule so that there was at least a minute for the dispatcher to send the ambulance and get it there in time for five minutes? houses for rent in ellijay, ga. ann reinking autopsy results. He held Regulus tighter. "Moony, come on, love. He was panting hard, still, like he was trying to catch his breath. Involves Good Malfoys, Sirius and Severus. Remus neck tensed, and he thudded the back of his head against the floor, elbows locking, and there was red at the corner of his mouth. It wasn't difficult. Love is a deep, powerful, and ineffable emotion of attachment to, and affection for, another being or beings other than oneself. " Hello, this is the ambulance service, Sometimes they were so similar. papa Go on, drink your sports-drink, Sirius urged, turning to put the rest of the groceries into the fridge. I need to call his mum, Sirius echoed. He had a seizure, and it was bad, and it it wouldnt stop, and he couldnt breathe, and I should have I didnt. He missed the button at least three times before he got it to reset and start. Sit for a second, okay? Sirius had always found he held his breath, too, in those moments.