The Jews of Semitic Carthage were defeated because the Romans (or Germans) were the best at fighting and winning. Was der Chamberlain da in seinen, Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1890-1945, The second Saviour (with a capital S) is Jesus Christ himself whom Chamberlain celebrates at length in his book. The main postulate was quite simple: everything in human history and culture could be explained by race, as Schemann would later emphasize in the three volumes of his Rasse in den Geisteswissenschaften. Chamberlain criticized them for their lack of political sense: The Greeks have always been, and are still today, unfaithful, unpatriotic, self-centred, . By HOUSTON STEWART CHAMBERLAIN. 23 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century: A Translation from the German by John Lees, vol. What were the problems caused by modernity and how could the world be improved for the sake of the better portionthe white portionof humanity? What mattered to them was biology and race, not the law or a mere artificial citizenship. The English-born German writer Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) formulated the most important theory of Teutonic superiority in pre-Hitlerian German thought. Despite this biological disaster or the inevitable fall of the Romans, the Nordic race did not disappear. The Romans, of course, were the best, but they did not protect themselves; they did not protect the excellence of their blood. . He eventually settled in Dresden, Germany, after his Prussian tutor had filled his young mind with Teutonic tales of Germanic greatness. Houston Stewart Chamberlain a fost un scriitor, sociolog i filosof englez; autor de cri despre filosofie politic. The Persians indeed were Jews, at least as much as the Greeks were Germans, and the Persian Wars were nothing else than a racial struggle which lasted over a century between Asia and Europe. Sein Buch Die Grundlagen des 19. . He mumbles, wants to speak, he can'tand then weeps like a child! He holds my hand and won't let me go. He reciprocated by paying a tribute to Chamberlain in, . You are not at all, as you have been described to me, a fanatic. Immediately download the Houston Stewart Chamberlain summary, chapter-by-chapter analysis, book notes, essays, quotes, character descriptions, lesson plans, and more - everything you need for studying or teaching Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Houston Stewart Chamberlain Aryan World-view Because truth lays beyond the reach of the intellect, we can't use words for it. To prove the excellence of Germanic blood, scientists and race specialists had argued, since the 1830s, that every light came from the North, and not from the East. Hitler and Goebbels got the chance to pay him another visit, in May 1926, just before he passed away. If the Greeks were philosophers, the Romans were lawyers. ., Evangelist of Race. More importantly, they would prevent any further decadence and avoid mixing with inferior races, like the Jews or other crossbreds. Der Fanatiker will berreden, Sie wollen berzeugen, nur berzeugen, und darum gelingt es Ihnen auch; ja, ich mchte Sie ebenfalls fr das Gegenteil eines Politikers dieses Wort im landlufigen Sinne aufgefat erklren, denn die Asche aller Politik ist die Parteiangehrigkeit, whrend bei Ihnen alle Parteien verschwinden, aufgezehrt von der Glut der Vaterlandsliebe. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who spoke fluent German, belonged from then on to the sanctum of Germano-maniac racism, a group of worshippers who had gathered around Richard Wagner: Wagner, the bard of a reinvented Germanic mythology, who celebrated heroic figures of oneiric purity and had a slight tendency of considering that his agethe 19, centurywas leading white Germanic mankind towards decadence, degeneration and death. In the 1920s, he met Hitler. Ludwig Schemann exerted a great intellectual influence on the other members of the Wagner circle, popularizing what people started to call the Vlkisch ideology. Schemann, who held a doctorate in history from the University of Berlin, made a living as a raciologist (Rassenkndler) at the University of Freiburg and translated Gobineaus work in German. Es hat meine Gedanken beschftigt, wieso gerade Sie, der Sie in so seltenem Grade ein Erwecker der Seelen aus Schlaf und Schlendrian sind, mir einen so langen erquickenden Schlaf neulich schenkten, wie ich einen hnlichen nicht erlebt habe seit dem verhngnisvollen Augusttag 1914, wo das tckische Leiden mich befiel. Nearly as significant and important was the fact that, thanks to the Roman conquest, the Greeks finally turned their back to the East, in other words to Asia: Without Rome, undoubtedly, Europe would have been a mere perpetuation of the Asian chaos. captain america costume endgame. Athens was beautiful, but Greece was splendid: the people looked like statues, they had perfectly proportioned noses and marble skin, they spoke the language of books (written in Greek) and they invented not only mathematics but also the theatre and the art of warfare. He resented Chamberlain for not being aware of that scourge. If Germanic blood is not protected against the Jewish infection, Europe will perish. Before praising the Romans for being good lawyers, he blames them for their lack of creativity: Can you find one single poetic genius among the Romans? 18 Ohne ihn ging der Tag des Indoeuropers zu Ende. . 9During ancient times, the Germans ruled over their conception of the world and could therefore explore and organize it: the science of the Greeks helped understand the cosmos, while the legions and the laws of the Romans imposed the Nordic order to the world. , Hamburg, Albrecht Knaus Verlag, 1980, 496p., p.96. geschrieben hat, ist gelinde gesagt dumm, Hitler quoted in Rauschning, Hermann. The son of a naval officerhis father was an admiral in the Royal Navy , he spent his whole youth travelling around Europe. Chamberlain scorned this racial chaos of the late Roman Empire, which destroyed any racial and national principle, this chaos of peoples of the decadent Roman Empire being a capital sin against nature. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. 21From the Foundations of the 19th to the Myth of the 20th Century, the vision of antiquity remained the same: a Germanic golden age in Greece and Rome which was scattered and shattered by the Jews. 4 Field, Geoffrey G., Evangelist of Race.The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New Yor ; 5 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Munich, Bruckmann, 1899, ; 2 A passionate and self-educated man, Houston Stewart Chamberlain studied and read a lot, eager to explore many different fields at once: history, philosophy or the natural sciences. The immigration of strangers to the race was recurrently presented as the invasion of microbes and viruses into a healthy and sound body. Camera Memoria: Photographic Memory from the Margins, Representing Whiteness in US Film and Television, Unheard Possibilities: Reappraising Classical Film Music Scoring and Analysis, Rethinking Laughter in Contemporary Anglophone Theatre, War in Poetry: Breaking into Family and Everyday Life, Lexprimental dans la littrature et les arts contemporains, Early American Surrealisms, 1920-1940 / Parable Art, Thomas Spence and his Legacy: Bicentennial Perspectives, Images on the Move: Circulations and Transfers in film, Coincidences / Circulating towards and across the British Isles, In Umbra Voluptatis : Shades, Shadows, and their Felicities/ Film Adaptations, New Interactions, South and Race / Staging Mobility in the United States. He could have been a typical character from, ; he who could not embrace the military career his father had ambitioned for him and went on travelling instead. If the Greeks were philosophers, the Romans were lawyers. For many people in the 19, : many Christian racists of the period could not bear the idea of their Messiah being a Jew. However, it was quite successful from the 1900s to the 1930s; it sold over 200000 copies. Furthermore, his belonging to the Wagner family was a letter of credit and a sign of distinction in the small but growing world of the far right movements. 11 Gibt es unter den Rmern ein einziges wahres Dichtergenie? To prove the excellence of Germanic blood, scientists and race specialists had argued, since the 1830s, that every light came from the North, and not from the East. This book has the reputation of being hard, if not impossible, to read. 5 Athens represented, for Chamberlain, the beauty of ideas and the greatness of philosophy, which as such is not a very original idea. 18 Copy quote. Sample translated sentence: . 1 Wagner, Richard, Das Judentum in der Musik, Leipzig, 1869. Dans sa dmonstration, lantiquit grco-romaine tient une place essentielle. This is summed up by Chamberlain who, contrary to Hegel who wrote Ex oriente lux, pretends that Ex septentrione lux: the beacon of civilization lies in the north with the white Germanic race. Racism, including racial antisemitism, was always an integral part of German National . copies. They were never able to create a unified Hellenic state and, instead, spent centuries launching fratricide wars against each other, only to exhaust the race in endless massacres of the Athenians by the Spartans and vice versa, until it bled to death. An early Lord Haw-Haw of sorts who was even awarded the iron cross by Kaiser William II, not for fighting in the muddy trenches of the Somme, but for insulting London in vindictive articles. , Health, Race and German Politics between National Unification and Nazism, 1870-1945, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989. Hitler wanted the support of someone whose work had become a canonical book for the racist nationalists in Germany. Here, in Greece, every river, every stone lives and is an individual. As they wanted to destroy anything that was not Jewish, they fought against the Greeks. In these publications, Chamberlain emphasized the heroic Teutonic aspects in the composers works. Jerusalem is to be destroyed: an imperative the Romans followed at least twice, to crush the rebellions of those Jews who spend their time revolting against every state order because their race was synonymous with chaos. Jahrhunderts wurde ein Weltbestseller. ). The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, New York, Columbia University Press, 1981. In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of the time (history and the natural sciences) and stood up for the dominant ideas, at the. Trailblazer, pioneer! Die Aufzechnungen Heinrich Heims, herausgegeben von Werner Jochmann. This idea according to which the Greeks and the Germans shared the same taste for beauty had been a commonplace for, since Johann Winckelmann published, in 1764, his, In the words of Chamberlain: This assumption of the importance of the arts corresponds to a specific character of the German mind, if I am not mistaken, But what was to be said about Rome? Greetings to you, spiritual father. is to serve the Germanic race". Remaining in Germany during World War I, Chamberlain received the German Military Cross in 1915 and became naturalized the next year. Sie kennen Goethes Unterscheidung von Gewalt und Gewalt! In the 1031 pages of the two volumes, Chamberlain borrowed ideas from the leading sciences of the time (history and the natural sciences) and stood up for the dominant ideas, at the Belle poque, of the European bourgeoisie: in other words, racism, social Darwinism and colonialism. Chamberlain married the composer's daughter some years after Wagner's death. Jahrhunderts. Der Grieche war von jeher, was er noch heute ist, untreu, unpatriotisch, eigenschtig, Demandt, Alexander, Politische Aspekte im Alexanderbild der Neuzeit. Published in 1853-55, his Essay on the Inequality of Human Races was widely read, embellished, and publicized by many different kinds of writers. There is the force that stems from chaos and in turn leads to chaos, and there is the force which shapes the cosmos27. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Official Site of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. Lu et admir par les principaux idologues nazis, dont Hitler, il devient, peu avant sa mort dans les annes 1920, un des matres penser de leur mouvement. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, Sehr geehrter und lieber Herr Hitler 7. Schemann, who held a doctorate in history from the University of Berlin, made a living as a raciologist (, ) at the University of Freiburg and translated Gobineaus work in German. His big eyes burn like fire. The early Parteigenossen of the 1920s or the people who cast their ballot for the NSDAP in the 1930s did not want the annihilation of Poland or the Holocaust. I am deeply upset. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was a British-born German author of books on political philosophy, natural science and Richard Wagner. Racism in National Socialism. He became somewhat of a war hero during the First World War, during which he was a talented propagandist against his own country, Great Britain. They settled down in Greece and Rome, enjoying the benefits of cultural photosynthesis, thanks to the sun and mild climate of the Mediterranean. I, chap. Chamberlain saw in Hitler the new William II who could save Germany, as he wrote to him in a moving letter in the form of an accolade from the old philosopher of the race to the young racist politician. What mattered to them was biology and race, not the law or a mere artificial citizenship. Fenske, Wolfgang, Wie Jesus zum Arier wurde. Omissions? Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1996. Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Here, in Greece, every river, every stone lives and is an individual. In Chamberlains work, the past is a warning for the present. Counter-revolutionary theoreticians exalted in Germany the biological idea of the Volk and coined the word vlkisch as an alternative to the French adjective national. Updates? Despite his English birth and family, his early indifference toward England and all things English developed into a lifelong hatred. Greece has always gravitated around Asia, till Rome dragged it away, to the West. Hitler saw in Christianity a lethal plague that had affected Europe because of the Jews who made Christians out of Germans to weaken them. But something is as clear as the sun at midday: if the Phenician people had not been exterminated () mankind would never have experienced () this 19th century that we can consider with pride and hope15. He was therefore read and admired by the major figures of the Nazi ideologyone of whom was Hitlerand became, just before he died, in the 1920s, one of the leading minds of their movement. 14Contrary to what is being taught by those who are too lazy to think and by flagrant historical lies, the Germanic invasions did not destroy the Empire but saved it from its fatal jewification and degeneration. SpracheRasseReligion, Darmstadt, WBG, 2001, 464p. 4 Field, Geoffrey G., Evangelist of Race. CHAMBERLAIN, HOUSTON STEWART(1855-1927) Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Anglo-German race theorist and philosophical and historical writer, was born in Southsea, near Portsmouth, England. houston stewart chamberlain, the importance of race summary. by ; in john and livi come dine with me; on June 29, 2022 . If Greece had fathered the spirit, Rome had mastered the organisation. Houston Stewart Chamberlain was an English-born German writer who formulated the most important theory of Teutonic superiority in pre-Hitlerian German thought. This would be taught in the ideological courses every member of the party (among which, members of the SS) had to take. The Teutonic warrior is therefore celebrated by Chamberlains book with the same resonating fury as Wagners operas: Without him, the Indo-Europeans would have disappeared. After years of travelling and wandering/wondering about new ideas, he found in the racist theories of Schemann and other Rassentheoretiker of the time a unified vision of the worlda true Weltanschauung. Since he and Hider were very close friends and he married Wagner's daughter, one can imagine the mutually satisfactory con-versations that must have taken place among them on the subject of race. Why was the world precisely how it should be (the white population thus rewarded for its supremacy over the others)? It was not really a success, mainly because Hitler did not agree with Chamberlains glorification of Christian culture; but also because he believed that Christ was a mixed-blood; he who was born, according to the Fhrer, from a Roman soldier and a Palestinian prostitute named Mary, : You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus that is nonsense. Says the author, Chika Onyeani, "We are a conquered race and it is utterly foolish for . devotion baptism . His two-volume book Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, whose title translates from the original German as The Foundations Of The Nineteenth . The (1855-1927) Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Anglo-German race theorist and philosophical and . Those three cities had been, throughout the 19th century, the epitome of Western culture: the Greeks had bequeathed philosophy and the arts, the Romans the Law and the Empire, and Jerusalem had opened a new path to salvation with the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Europe the Romans had ambitioned was saved by a racial messiah: the Germanic tribes which, by invading the Empire, preserved the continent and its civilization. As for Aristotle, he would not have been remembered in the same way had it not been for Plato. He then joined the Nazi party before he passed away in 1927. Not a Jew, by all means! As for Aristotle, he would not have been remembered in the same way had it not been for Plato. We have to thank Rome () that it transferred the centre of gravity of civilization to the West and that the Jewish-Asian spell was broken, so that Germanic Europe became the beating heart and the thinking brain of whole mankind. Later, when the Jews rebelled in Palestine, under Vespasian and Titus, and then under Hadrian, they were beaten once again: There is a second roman delenda of overwhelming significance for world history: the delenda est Hierosolyma. 10, p.153. , Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1960, 141p., in the English translation: , London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962, 156p., p.77. Houston Stewart Chamberlain (September 9, 1855 - January 9, 1927) was an English author of books on political philosophy, natural science. Chamberlain is not the first eccentric who is championing this very bizarre causeperhaps bizarre only to us. , The Early Goebbels Diaries, 1925-1926, London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1962. In his book, we can read that Plato was, by all means, a great philosopher. In it, he provides his readership with a new approach to Western history in relation to the question of race and the necessary rise of Germanic power. The Germanic Vision of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, A passionate and self-educated man, Houston Stewart Chamberlain studied and read a lot, eager to explore many different fields at once: history, philosophy or the natural sciences.
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