In the case of an adult that consents to this arrangement, I see no problem. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on August 05, 2017: Sadly your last video has been removed, but as for your article, you are spot on. Hope to learn more from this hub. Yes, as you say its a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo. This money goes straight into their pockets and you go straight back to work. Just imagine if you do it and all of a sudden you have $9000000000000000 to play with but WHAT HAVE YOU JUST SIGNED AWAY FROM YOURSELF. Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse Sui juris agent from Brooklyn New York on December 28, 2013: The disinformation of Fiat money was created to cover-up the fact that there are a huge set of US Government private trust accounts for its creditors that are date-limited as co-mingled bundled investments in equity commodity and bond markets. Has anyone successfully done this process? 22. Phone: 936-539-7885Birth and Death Certificates. I'm 37yrs old. thank you so much :).. once i try this, this year and it is true i will most definitely make another post. The law is a very complex subject, so hopefully you have the next twenty years to do your own research and study. The next one will tell you who is holding the bond. Creation of Your Estate The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System. Every state within the United States has UCC filing offices. Com possibly helping US & Canadian citizens getting $250,000 plus for their birth certificatesthru this interesting club. Meanwhile, if you're a saver, that news is doubly good because the Fed's rate hikes also . Birth Certificate Bond. i found this is true and check county they say yes and after checking 8 diff fed agentices this is real and does work iv done it and after 5 mo. How do we get control of our birth certificate assets. Click on Symbol Look Up. If a UCC form is prepared properly and filed with the Bank can be an Administrative Obstruction Action in which a Secured Party can use to show a prior and superior claim to those assets on deposit. if this is true; if only in theory, the topic is sensitive one. There is a National UCC Administration which the states, the Protectorates and the District of Columbia have formed. Contact you lawyer? Get Ready to be Paid Everybody $$$ - Info Here A person can have a regional filing recorded within a region or state and have it maintain the same thing as filing within their state of birth. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on November 02, 2012: Unlike most i have heard of this. This is not a simple process and you will have to educate yourself as to the correct procedures. All you need to do is give us a call at (888) 238-9714. Anyhow in order to cancel such contract/contracts (ie ss card rmv anything with your strawman name) you will need to claim your birth right from citizen to sovereign. Others have declared that the Application for the Birth Certificate actually does have commercial value, which is determined by the ability of the government to tax any future earnings of the individual named on the documents. When you get the form it is up to the bank. Do you walk on the ground, or Transpo yourself by other means? Lawyers and attorneys are con artists of legalese along with the judge, prosecutor and DA. It is a fact that every single living, breathing human being in the United States is bonded and used in commercial activities by the Corporation of the United States which has received them. It is all true and very real, it was a leap of faith for me. stream Gross Federal Debt is the total debt owed by the United States federal government. Do not use one of these banks but find one that will accept the form and deposit your funds there. Since the true knowledge of this process is making its way out to the United States population, the number of people filing has incrementally increased. There is plenty of info there. Make the search by Mutual Fund and Fund Number. I'll do it. I have read one would need a National passport and/or a certificate of live Birth to file out the UCC-1. But truly understand what it is that you are getting yourself into. Notice on your birth Certificate your name is written in all capitals. These facts have been gathered through information acquired through the CID of the IRS, FBI, Secret Service, Justice Department, the Department of the Treasury and the Secretary of State. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." . How to Cash a Savings Bond of a Deceased Parent - Money Inc The time frame for each Certificate of Live Birth to be filed in D.C. is seventeen days. Never been so ballsy about my standing as I am now. Birth Certificate Bond - a Freedom of Information - WhatDoTheyKnow Will there have to be some value given in return? Wow Reality, you have shed a lot of light on this subject as I just found out about 2 weeks ago. There is a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo that in the end makes little sense. The whole controversy begin In 1913, when the U.S. created the Federal Reserve Act. Too bad no one can post info here about Freedomclubusa. on September 22, 2014: I am a black human, child of God(consciousness), in which my soul(consciousness) is my true nature, becoming one with a physical representation of soul(body). Thanks to all the people who do the research we found out more info. They are just money and muscle. There has been information supposedly received from several government agencies which state that the filed Certificate of Live Birth documents have actual instructions on the reverse of the certificate stating who, and in what time frame the document should be created and delivered. how can i get access to the video that was removed by Youtube? Cestui Que Vie Trust. In the search value box, put the first two ##s on the back of your birth certificate. If you need a copy, where you were born will determine how to get it. Some internet sites even offer to sell videos, webinars, and coaching on how to do this. Well done, I look up and found not a thing on this fidelity web sit stuff out number in here it look at me like I was crazy it's a joke, They talk about bc easy to do but no web site or anything they give you to do this. Wow, this is interesting. I have never heard of anything like this before. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Also if you are able to cash it in, what do you lose ? schoolmarm from Florida on July 20, 2011: Really interesting hub! These documents must be delivered by certified (or registered) mail and must be filed with both the state of residence as well as the Secretary of the Treasury. They are all going to hell. Every time you spend a dollar you are acknowledging and creating more debt unless you write VOID on each and every dollar you spend. Do not be fooled by these. It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. Thanks email is This is all false and will only end tragically for those who try it. ,credit cards,bank loans,mortage loans,school loans,money barrowed,bank,c.c etc then YOU CANNOT MAKE MONEY OFF OF THE U.S ITS ILLEGAL. Your birth certificate bond is usually worth a minimum of 100 million dollars . It was only a mere twenty years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 by Congress for the Corporation of the United States. If the paperwork that you file is erroneous, you may end up with legal troubles. thank you for posting I will do every thing in my power, short term goals, mid term goals, finally I will be free. Sleep well, fellow slaves. This contract establishes the freeborn child to a status of "ward of the state.". because we are heavily campaigning for Micheal Tellinger to get a seat in our South African Parliament, I happen to come across your article on the Birth Certificate scandal that we knew about for several years . January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on July 21, 2012: @Invisbile-child, thanks for the info, every little bit helps :-). Also make sure the documents are filled out and filed correctly. DWQA Questions Category: General Questions Depositing your Birth Certificate bond into a local bank. That averages out to over three hundred and fifty seven thousand people who found a way around this ruse every year. The State makes a Certified Copy and sends that on to the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. From there another Certified Copy is made and sent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Brussels, Belgium. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on December 18, 2012: @Kora Have you tried the Blacks Law Dictionary? Tap on research tab,go to quotes. XRPGlobalConsultant on February 09, 2019: Interesting read, but it all came crashing down as soon as I saw that clip with David Icke. When a secured party utilizes the Uniform Commercial Code correctly, the field is leveled as it pertains to the degree of commercial transactions. Police enforce illegal laws and statues. VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD on January 17, 2012: How can I transfer funds from my treasury account through the TTL account. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this simple contract UCC3-203 and to make a Claim in recoupment [Reparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC 3-305]. I thought that this article was a bit out there, but your response has convinced me there's some real truth to this worth exploring. Thanks for an interesting hub. Birth Certificate Bond: Is There Really Such a Thing? on July 10, 2012: Leland Roth, I will post this comment and leave it up to the reader to decide if this is the path they wish to take. Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. Anyone in the movement for Sovereignty giving you advice that you can cash in on this bond is directing you to trouble and legal and lawful problems. Access Your Master Straw Man Account - A.W.A.R.E All property is considered to be owned by the Corporation of the United States. i am a civil rights Bug and would like to get more information please to learn ,as much as I can being about a part of a Sovereign person. Thank you for all your work and great in-depth details. The majority of lawyers view the entire UCC process only in terms of litigation, and adjudication. There are no shortcuts, you must learn the laws and the rules so that you can safely navigate your way through a corrupt system and regain you freedom. The Truth About Your Birth Certificate It would be great to figure out how to contract with corporations as a Freeman, and get the financial administration to work with me. %PDF-1.3 Such action is further confirmed in USC Title XII, Title XXVIII, Sec. 2. It is the responsibility of the individual to research facts for themselves and make their own determination as to the validity of any information presented. Does anyone know anyone that has actually gotten any money from this????? Your value to society was then and is still calculated using actuarial tables. The value of your UCC-1 should be unlimited. Any profit which is created by the investment during the life, right up to the death of the individual, of every living, breathing, male or female, remains the property of the state. Retain both death certificates and a copy of the letters of appointment for the representative. Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person. Hey has anyone fully completed the process? Finance activities take place in financial systems at various scopes, thus the field can be roughly divided . Up and shared January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 26, 2013: @Billybuc Trust me it's real, do your research, it just takes time to do the process and of course there not teaching people how to do it. It seems that if twenty five million Americans knew that this was a scam for well over seventy years, yet not one broke their silence to make the rest of us aware of the charade. Follow 19.8K. Do you have any updates on this process? Here's the longer answer, if you want the detail: no. So you are going to have to start acting like one. Make purchases that will be charged to a Exemption Account (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or. The calculator only checks that the issue date and denomination entered are a valid combination - it will not verify whether a bond exists. The International Monetary Fund using the Secretary of the Treasury as its representative, and using the Federal Reserve and the ability of the IRS to collect revenue has virtual control over every single citizens assets. The controversy also insist you can regain control over your prepaid account by simply filling out a notice of lien against the birth certificate with the dept. That turns your (copy) onto an original. It isn't. The answer to each of these questions is NO, or at least it should be! . Your Birth Certificate Is a Bond - Understand Contract Law and You Win It might help to read the UCC a few times, being careful to apply words as they are defined in the UCC sections and in legal dictionaries, to study contract law, and maybe read some of Reality Bytes other hubs. This is the strawman. x][u~hUaj :qU*UM]#q ZO|Vs?O_Emu*FZmmZjo_~O*3?'YZT^y*w7heFSx?uy\WQo^]R\juT^M+xRnnn mCDbVm>4+uIuS_dr nb_Uxs*h#AYr$4|%- D}ToTFMlc}&eBNC'JE%T77ju#7eLV/^W3_%Z(sc|o9 ![QaW@ # ^EQ*!a$|@3=Y:QM Lxh :|RZ}gU"GjEi8pgbkWS_4=jcid`7S,KN#C: lIeF!rJE,4xDF. @cherrycrime26 I read this and can't believe it. I dont know much about this whole thing. You will not be disappointed, I love the internet. treasury will pay your debts but not allow you to make money off the govt'''thats where they draw the LINE!!!!!! It is also sent to the IRS Technical Support Division (TSD) within the state in which the Secured Party started the discharge. Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond - YouTube 0:00 / 3:23 Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond CULLEN MAC 8.37K subscribers Subscribe. The final copy is received by the Department of Commerce even though the documents themselves are not kept in their offices. 129845822-How-to-Pull-Your-Birth-Certificate-Bonds-Up.docx - Course Hero Millions of Americans have consciously done nothing to disrupt the status quo even though they knew about the scheme and even benefited from the fraudulent system. The Savings Bond Calculator is merely a tool to calculate the value of a bond based on an issue date and denomination entered. Good Morning, I wanted to know if you have heard of people who are in prison using the redemption process to get out of prison? If they were so clever to set this up, then why would they leave such a loophole? I've been researching this issue for several years. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 28, 2012: @Arthur wow, I'm glad your going through the steps, I will check out this site, and your not doing anything, good for you, I will check out this site. There seems to be people on the net now charging others on how to do it and I just wanted to here how far you have made it with the process? January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 28, 2013: JS Matthew from Massachusetts, USA on February 27, 2013: Very interesting! 644. Obama is trying to tell people soething, wakeup. The calculator does not check the authenticity of a bond or confirm who owns it. This secret has been hidden for over 79 years. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on May 26, 2011: @Kashmir56 Thanks Kashmir, its a lot of food for thought:). Embed Share. Loading 180 comments. It is an administrative action when an UCC form is filed, accepted, and recorded by the UCC office. Going to use information to alert others this Monday night at 9 pm Est on Critical Minds Live Face Book feed! At the time of registration, the Corporation of the United States, through its Treasury Department, creates a bond. The Secured Party Applicant Has to be Filed in the State or Region of Their Birth. us!! It was done through the filing (registration) of our birth certificates! Answer (1 of 3): > How can one know if their birth certificate is being traded on the NYSE? Debt held by the public includes debt actually held by the public and foreign governments, and also debt held by the Federal Reserve System, i.e., monetized as part of the monetary base. Any way I will have to talk to him a little more. Finance is the study and discipline of money, currency and capital assets.It is related to, but not synonymous with economics, which is the study of production, distribution, and consumption of money, assets, goods and services (the discipline of financial economics bridges the two). The Bureau of Engraving states that even the Federal Reserve uses the bond number which is stamped on the Certificate of Live Birth as it is also stamped on the Federal Reserve notes themselves. Your signature is what's worth the millions. i was a history major at Auburn and somehow it must have gotten by the staff- ha! As banks are not authorized to cash Series HH and Series H bonds, you will need to send an FS Form 1522 to the below address. A Savings Bond Calculator is simply a tool that you can use to check the value of any bonds that you do actually have in your possession. Is there a website or something where u can put in your info? Thats why there has to be a loophole, aka remedy. I knew I world find the web sight that did not charge and tells the truth not tidbits of truth trying to get money to help someone to file all this. This is real. But this idea that you can just file some papers and go through some very complex system to free yourself from any you have taken on is a bit absurd. Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on June 15, 2011: I have never heard of this before. Promissory Notes will do just fine. Thank you for sharing :). ve read this hub and ive read redemption 4.5 and seen 5 other websites on this and found if i went to minn revised statutes and read the actual ucc rules then cross ref. Can you sell someone else' BC?
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